Conception-break: There is no bad memory. There is train memory and untrain memory.
Memory tips.
Thinking the place you are familiar. And imagining the thing you want to remember. Then you entwine them together. When you remember the place. You also recall the thing you want to remember.
Follow the video and try to remember twelve emotions to lead you being successful. (The twelve emotions come from Gary Vee’s book — “Twelve and a Half”)
Gratitude Gorilla
Self-awawre Hair
Accountable Ant
Optimistic Otter
Empthy Elephant
Kind Kudu
Tenaciouse Termite
Curious Crane
Patience Pig
Conviction Cockroach
Humble Hummingbird
Ambitious Angle
I callenge you two things.
The first one is close the article and video. And take out a piece of paper and write the twelve emotion animals down.
When you can do it forward. Good! Then I challenge you. Can you do it backward?
The second challenge is can you teach somebody else.
Hope all of readers can finish the challenges and implement the tips on whatever you want to learn to make your life better!
You can check BE FAST tips every time, before you start to learn. It will make learn ten times fast.
Also I want to recommand Jim Kwik’s book — Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life.
There is so many conceptions will blow you mind and change your life.
How to REMEMBER What You Read | Jim Kwik